Civic Association Nippon Positive

Welcome to the first and most comprehensive Slovak portal dedicated to the original Japanese dog breeds: Akita inu, Shiba inu, Kishu ken, Shikoku ken, Hokkaido ken and Kai ken.

Our goal is to introduce these dogs to Slovak general public. There are breeders in Slovakia that breed mainly Akitas and Shibas for over 20 years. In the same time, we want to promote these wonderful animals responsibly, so they come out of the right hands and towards the right hands.

Currently there are representatives of 5 out of the above mentioned 6 original Japanese spitz breeds - with Akitas being the most frequent, followed by Shibas and a few Hokkaido specimens. Recently there were 2 Kishu females imported, followed by the first Shikoku female puppy import.

Join us in uncovering the secrets of the Japanese samurais on four legs.

Daichi Z Jenštejnské bašty, owner: Vladimír Belák, Photo: Jiří Křivánek



After years of preparation, our friends from SHIBA Slovakia managed to successfully finish their work and long awaited book WE HAVE GOT A SHIBA (SK: MÁME DOMA SHIBU). Authors of the book are experienced Slovak breeders who bring 280 pages of information and advice regarding health, nutrition, upbringing, socialization, solving common but also more complex issues. 

This book is a great addition for the Japanese breeds community and enthusiasts in Slovakia and Czech republic. Furthermore, we believe it is a great aid for beginners and people potentially interested in buying Shiba puppy (or any other Japanese dog breed) who - thanks to this book - will be able to grow their puppy into a great, healthy, balanced and cooperating partner to share their life with. 

For more information how to get a copy, please send an email to

Let us congratulate the team of authors once more to this wonderful achievement and we wish that this book finds its way to many satisfied owners!

Rinzetaru Ayumi, photo/owner. Tibor Tóth


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Banner photo: Akita - Tai Gen Maru Go Shun'You Kensha, owner/photo: Silvia Exposito, Shiba - Urayashu Wakizashi of Tianito, owner: Dominika Paučová, photo:, Hokkaido - Yukiko Howasou, owner/photo: Jana Janečková, Kai - Lindsay Vangrootenbruel, femaie Sankt Xandor Ohana (Yuna),    Kishu - Daiky Go Gentle Heart, owner: Nikola Navrátilová, photo: Ladislav Hájek,,  Shikoku / puppy   Rinzentaru Ayumi, owner/photo: Tibor Tóth