My story: Shikoku

by Karolina Kardasz

I do not remember what have fascinated me in Shikoku over 7 years ago, but over all these years that particular breed was coming back on my dream list all the time ... access to information at the beginning was not very easy and still is not beacuse even in Japan Shikoku is not a popular breed. I watched breeders in Europe ... the USA and Canada ... my husband, despite the skeptical choice for a new breed, once again accepted my crazy idea of ​​buying another puppy (10 Akitas already living with us at the time). The appearance of Sai have made a bit of chaos in my herd but she was accepted by other dogs without much problem. Saisho, despite the incredible activity levels and often crazy ideas, has been and is a very balanced and friendly dog ​​to all people and animals dealing with. 

Thanks to herI have quickly got to know the differences between Shikoku and Akita and despite many unpleasant surprises I knew that this will not be the only dog ​​of this breed in my home. Decisions about getting another puppy was sped up by upcoming trip to Japan with a group of friends also Akita breeders. After several months of searching and huge help from a friend from abroad, six months after bringing Sai we returned home with the first Shikoku imported to Poland from Japan. Unlike Sai, Oshi is a more jealous and dominant dog. Always proud and seemingly independent at first contact, he became my shadow and my best friend. He follows my every step and doesn't like when other dogs try to approach me.

Shikoku does not differ from akitas only in size. Both their temperament and activity levels, despite many similarities, may be not so easy to accept for many. Shikoku is neither a big Shiba! They are medium agile dogs, they learn very quickly and are extremely clever. They can enchant a man, but they often arouse respect because of their wolf expression. They can dig through the garden and grind the cables at home. I think that they require a lot of activity, although they also like to spend time on the sofa or armchair next to their guardian and other dogs. My shikoku does not like loneliness, teaching them to recall as in the case of Akitas was not easy but it is not impossible. You need a lot of patience but also a lot of heart because despite their independence they are very emotional and sociable dogs.

Photo/owner: Karolina Kardasz with her dogs: female Saisho Go Ihoku Hakurensou, male YOSHIHARUZAKURA GO Kachidoki Okamotosou