Preservation and development of original japanese dog breeds Akita, Hokkaido, Kai, Kishu, Shiba and Shikoku in Slovakia, in line with development in their country of origin - Japan.
History of japanese original breeds is unusually dramatic. Most of them faced extenction during the first half of 20th century. Preservation of typical external and temperament features, along with a good health of these dogs in Slovakia is not only our ultimate goal, it is first of all our expression of respect and gratitude towards people from their country of origin, to whom we thank for these lovely animals.
2. Education of the general public about these breeds and rising general awareness about the importance of maintaining ethical principles and responsible breeding in Slovakia.
We consider it very important to draw public attention to common problems related to inappropriate approach to dog production. We believe that informed and respectful decision making of buyers are the best and perhaps the only way to change today’s unfavourable situation (e.g. constant or slowly raising numbers of stray animals in dog shelters, dogs surviving in inappropriate conditions without proper care, reckless production of litters regardless of genetically transmitted diseases, or crossbred dogs with very big deviations from the standard, etc.). We try to add our 50 cents to support these breeds (in line with the work of Slovak club of northern and japanese breeds (SKSJP), Slovak cynologic union (SKJ) and other relevant cynologic organizations).
Although original japanese dogs have not been quite unknown in Slovakia during recent years, we consider it important to contribute to their further promotion also by collecting and mediating relevant information from different sources such as:
Responsible foreign and domestic breeders
Owners of japanese dogs
Information from kennel clubs or organizations
Public standards (FCI, AKIHO, NIPPO, etc) and related detailed analysis
Information about significant events (dog shows, competitions, other public events) etc.
Lot of this information is concentrated in different foreign sources or in a literature that is hard to get nowadays, therefore we try to present this information if possible to people with an interest in the most understandable form.
On our website you can find complex information about all 6 original Japanese dog breeds: Akita, Shiba, Kishu, Shikoku, Hokkaido, Shiba. There is a short overview of each breed’s attributes, its origin, history and exterior description, along with the official breed standard (FCI) and more details about breeding in Slovakia. You can read real and authentic stories from the dog owners, that always bring the most valid and relevant piece of information.
Welcome to the fellowship of small big samurais on four legs!
From the left: photo/owner: Jana Janečková, Hokkaido female - Cora Akuri Jume, in the middle: photo/owner: Tibor Tóth, Shiba puppy female - Lulu Wakizashi of Tianito , on the right: owner/photo: Tibor Tóth, Shikoku puppy female - Rinzetaru Ayumi
From the left Akita photo/owner: Martina Černayová, male Sempou Go Fuen No Oka , Kishu photo: Ladislav Hájek, owner: Nikola Navrátilová, female Akari Damu Kara , Kai photo/owner: Lindsay Vangrootenbruel, female Sankt Xandor Ohana (Yuna)